Structural Dynamics
From the end of the 90’s, new lines of research concerned the representation of random processes by proper orthogonal decomposition and the Volterra series technique. New research interests are structural health monitoring, structural identification and moving loads.

Lines of Research
Cable Dynamics
The WindDyn Research Group has dealt with nonlinear dynamic problems of suspended cables excited by wind flow, with the proposal of a new model able to consider the influence of the dynamic twist.
Nonlinear dynamics and stability
The Windyn Research Group has been dealing extensively with nonlinear dynamics and stability problems. The main applications concern the analysis of aeroelastic stability, including bifurcation and post-critical behaviour analyses.
Human-induced vibrations of footbridges
The WindDyn Research Group has been working extensively on human-induced vibrations of footbridges. The problem has been dealt with analytically, numerically and experimentally.