Wind Energy
The Windyn Research Group has a longstanding experience in the wind energy field, especially on the project management of large-size wind farms, energy yield assessment evaluation and wind power integration into the power supply network.
More recently, the interest of the Research Group has been focusing on the wind power exploitation by smaller-size wind turbines that, with respect to the larger ones, are not yet very diffused and exploited because their construction and operating costs are often too high with respect to the power production.
Notwithstanding this, small-size turbines can be attractive from many points of view: the environmental impact is low; they do not cause instabilities in the power network distribution; they do not need large power storage capability and are therefore particularly suitable in isolated contexts.
The technical interest is thus increasing, with special reference to the strategic aim of a diffuse micro-generation of renewable energy. Numerous studies are also in progress with regard to the structural behavior of wind turbines under wind loading.