Wind effects on infrastructures
The Windyn Research Group has carried out an impressive number of studies on the wind effects on infrastructrues including bridges, seaport areas, railway lines, airports, wind farms, telescope arrays and so on.
The safety, the operation and the serviceability of large infrastructure under wind actions has recently become a topical matter. For example, harbors are generally very exposed to high wind velocities.
This can give rise to great risks for structures in the sites, ships and ferries approaching or docking in port, empty containers piled and, most of all, health hazard for workers, who need to work in safety conditions also in windy days, or stop working in extreme windy days. On the other hand, frequent stops of working of port areas can produce large loss of money. Thus, the definition of operating strategies to identify the real risk conditions is an essential tool for planning the work in safety conditions.
As for railways lines, wind conditions the maximum admissible velocity of high-speed trains, with effects on the entire railway network. Moreover, in some situations, strong winds might be responsible for accidents as train overturning and derailment.